Thursday, April 1, 2010

The San Damiano Cross

St. Francis of Assisi was praying before the San Damiano Cross, pictured here, when he received his calling from God; he had a vision in which the Crucified Jesus called out to him and said “Francis, rebuild my Church.” He began fixing up all the churches in the area – but that was not what God had been telling him to do. Francis eventually realised what was required and set about building up the church rather than just the buildings.

Christ on this cross is not lifeless. Rather he is strong and regal, looking upon us with love. His hands are not tight from being nailed to the cross but rather stretched out as if he is praying for us and blessing us.

This crucifix speaks of life rather than death. Above his head is a picture of the ascension where Christ is surrounded by a host of angels and God’s hand is blessing him. Below the outstretched arms are some of the people who the Gospels tell us were at the cross. Mary, Jesus’ mother and St John stand together. On the right is Mary Magdalene, another disciple and the centurion. The little boy behind him is the centurion’s son who, in the Gospel story, was healed by Jesus. A multitude of images and metaphors are hidden in this ancient crucifix. It is worthwhile reflecting upon it in prayer.

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